Big wonderful novels:

Shine, Shine, Shine by Lydia Netzer
Netzer's writing is so fresh it just snaps; it’s funny, poignant, and just unusual and lovely: pondering and pushing in a style like Annie Dillard’s. But the most impressive part is the way the story is unfolded; it grows to an emotional pitch that’s profound and clear, with nothing spilled before its perfect moment. She's a writer to watch.
Where'd You Go Bernadette? by Maria Semple
I loooooove this book. It is wonderful and hilarious. Do not put it down, I repeat: do not put it down. What if you lose it? What if someone steals it? What if it spontaneously combusts? Trust me, you will be devastated. Keep it close.

The Twelve Tribes of Hattie by Ayana Mathis
Mathis has a fantastic voice--reminiscent at times of Toni Morrison, at times Marilynne Robinson--both quiet & nuanced and fiercely powerful at the same time. Each chapter tells the story of one of Hattie's children, each affected by their family’s participation in the Great Migration and all shaped, for good or bad, by their mother's mistakes and her deep, tough love. The first chapter is one of the most powerful, unforgettable pieces of writing I've ever read. The whole thing is just remarkable.
Under the radar books totally worth the read:
We Sinners by Hanna Pylvainen

Girlchild by Tupelo Hassman

Heft by Liz Moore (now out in paperback)

Insanely good short story collections:
The News From Spain by Joan Wickersham

Birds of a Lesser Paradise by Megan Mayhew Bergman
This is a beautiful collection of stories by a talented new writer. Her writing is crisp and indelible, like Laurie Moore's: "My heart was subterraneous, a root crop, damp, hiding from the sun in shame."
Awesome novels with crossover YA appeal:

The Age of Miracles by Karen Thompson Walker
Such a fantastic coming of age story about Julia, a girl growing up in a world where each day on earth is a few minutes longer than the day before. The concept is interesting enough, but Walker's writing is just inspired, the story handled with such a light touch. I loved Julia. I wanted to protect her, save her.
The Year of the Gadfly by Jennifer Miller

Deservedly hyped:
The Round House by Louise Erdrich

Billy Lynn's Long Halftime Walk by Ben Fountain (now out in paperback)
In his Iraq War novel (among several this year), Fountain poignantly shows the way the American public alternately glorifies and ignores the military, to its detriment. He has created such vivid characters, managing to create a group of men that are emblematic without being cliché. You will love Billy. He is a sweetheart and a philosopher, sometimes a naïve 19 year old, sometimes a battle-weary cynic. This is a truly impressive novel, and important.

If you are a fan of Barbara Ehrenreich’s Nickel and Dimed, and you care about where the food on your plate comes from and the fact that not everyone in this country is able to buy healthy food, then this book is for you. McMillan, a journalist covering issues of poverty in NYC, became inspired after writing about a cooking class for the underprivileged. She went undercover, as a farm worker in CA, in the produce section of a Walmart in MI, and in the kitchen of an NYC Applebees. Her discoveries, about the conditions of farm workers and Walmart employees and issues surrounding food pricing, safety, and accessibility were simply fascinating. An important, well-written book.
Tiny Beautiful Things/Wild by Cheryl Strayed
Most people know how amazing Wild is, but if you haven't picked up TBT you're missing out. This is an amazing collection of advice columns from a website called The Rumpus. They were originally anonymously written by someone who called herself Sugar—Sugar ended up being Cheryl Strayed. Which is just awesome, because if you read Wild and want more, here is more. If you haven’t read Wild, and just want to be dazzled by the most wonderful, practical, compassionate, lovely advice columns (which are, honestly, just these fabulous love letters to humanity—the good, the bad, and the ugly), then this is your book. It’s the perfect pick-me-up kind of book—you pick it up, read a few pages (or seriously even a few lines), and it’ll pick you up and bring you to a better, happier, more fair and loving world. Sugar is the best.
The cover image to the right absolutely does not do this book justice. It's gorgeous. The endpapers are stunning, too. If you buy books as objects, like I do, you'll appreciate the care taken with this one. On top of that, the book is wonderful of course. In many ways this reminded me of Joan Didion's The Year of Magical Thinking--she's working through her mother's journals left to her after her death, journals that Williams found to be blank. It's meditative and profound.
Older stuff:
Use Me: Stories by Elissa Schappell

The movie Higher Ground is based on this memoir-- both the book and film totally knocked my socks off-- so powerful. Briggs' discoveries and the journey she took to becoming herself are told so well, pulled out of her little by little until she discovers that she is a completely different person from the one she was told to be.
The Words of Every Song by Liz Moore
If you liked the connected story quality of A Visit From the Goon Squad, try this. I got totally sucked into each chapter's new characters, and when the chapter ended, I was always psyched to see where Moore would take the story next. So well done.