Okay, so technically, this isn't the year of the tiger. That was last year, Chinese-New-Year-wise. This year is actually the Year of the Rabbit. But if you're aware at all of new books coming out, you must have noticed the tiger trend.
Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother, Tiger in the Kitchen: A Memoir of
Food and Family, Tiger, Tiger: A Memoir, The Tiger: A True Story of Vengeance and Survival (okay, fine, that last one came out in 2010).
Maybe this tiger thing has been a slow build for a while now. While reading Tea Obreht's
The Tiger's Wife recently, my boyfriend's friend

said, in utter seriousness, "Is that a book by Tiger Woods' wife?"
I look forward to a slew of books next year about rabbits.
The Rabbit's Father, When I Married a Rabbit, My Mother, the Rabbit. Or maybe I won't have to wait that long.
When God Was a Rabbit, coming in May 2011 from Bloomsbury USA.